The bud is a goal they want to see come to fruition. Have everyone say something good in their lives at the beginning of every meeting. This one has to be done with accessible objects that can be found around any house or office.

icebreakers for virtual meetings

This one is easy and will highlight the power of marketing. Have everyone share their latest Netflix binge, and why they decided to watch it. For example, I watched the first 10-minutes of Bridgerton and wasn’t interested. You can even flip it to an online poll and let people vote on which they think is a lie. These pictures will give you a quick peek into where and how people work by helping you see their life in real time.

Coffee Break

What would you do is a fun game based on hypothetical questions that test your problem-solving skills. Choose a hypothetical question and split your team into groups to form an action plan. An icebreaker is a ship that breaks the ice to allow the smooth sailing of ships behind it. If we think of that in terms of communication, the icebreaker ship is a virtual activity, and the ships behind it are closer bonds with our coworkers. One option is to play “two truths and a lie.” Each person takes a turn sharing three facts about themselves, two of which are true and one of which is false.

If you need a unique and exciting way to introduce a new team member, look no further than these casual ice breakers for virtual meetings. If icebreakers for virtual meetings your virtual meeting platform has a photo booth in the lobby like Weve, you’re in luck and it’s easy to strike a post with curated props.

Explore all the fun icebreaker templates in Lucidspark, and never have a boring meeting again.

But be sure to schedule an informal team catch-up from time to time just to chat with your teammates about something other than work. In remote times, it will help you feel less isolated. This icebreaker is ideal for small teams because people might not be willing to talk in front of larger crowds of people. Using an open text poll, encourage your team to share their failure or struggle in Slido as well so that people can see that they’re not alone in being imperfect. You can then regroup and open a discussion about lessons that people learned from their failures.

  • Sharing your office or home space can make things seem less unfamiliar and more personal.
  • Since this pandemic began, employee engagement levels have been in flux.
  • It’s hard to predict, but this one could potentially get interesting, so our advice is to use only with established teams.
  • Each approach can be as elaborate or as simple as you like — if you’re short on time or resources, just having a question in mind can do the trick.
  • Ask everyone to introduce their person or pet to the team.

You can also use Snapchat filters to do everything from putting a cat on your head, a funny pair of sunglasses or looking like the tiger king. The same classic game you played in childhood—just now over Zoom! Each person shares 3 things and the group has to guess which is the lie. If you want something faster than open questions, try giving everyone an option to choose (Ice Cream or cake? Beach or mountains? Netflix or Hulu? Again, endless possibilities).