I can provide you with a sample article on how to achieve this using Python and the Binance API.

Getting Started

Before we begin, make sure you have:

  • A Binance API account (free plan available)

  • A Python environment set up (ide like PyCharm or VSCode)

  • The requests library installed (pip install requests)

  • The binance-api library installed (pip install binance-api)


Pulling Data from Binance after a 5-Minute Candle is Completed

Are you tired of constantly pulling data every second, only to get the same information? Do you want to automate your data fetching process for Binance’s cryptocurrency market? Look no further!

In this article, we’ll show you how to use Python and the binance-api library to pull data from Binance after a 5-minute candle is completed. This will ensure that your app fetches new data only when the current candle is finished.

Step 1: Set up the API credentials

First, let’s set up our API credentials:

import os

Ethereum: Python: Get data from Binance when the current candle is finished -

Replace with your actual API credentials



Binance API endpoint


Binance API parameters


"symbol": "BTCUSDT",

Your preferred cryptocurrency pair

"limit": 100,

Number of data points to fetch


Step 2: Create a function to pull data

Create a new Python file (e.g., data_fetcher.py) and add the following code:

import requests

import time

def get_binance_data():

API_URL = f"{BINANCE_API_ENDPOINT}/ candlestick?symbol={PARAMETERS['symbol']}&limit={PARAMETERS['limit']}"

headers = {




response = requests.get(API_URL, headers=headers)

if response.status_code == 200:

return response.json()


print("Failed to fetch data:", response.status_code)

return None

Step 3: Create a main function

Create another Python file (e.g., main.py) and add the following code:

import os

from data_fetcher import get_binance_data

def main():

while True:

data = get_binance_data()

if data is not None:

Process the fetched data here


Wait 5 minutes before fetching again


Step 4: Run the main function

Run the main.py file using Python (e.g., python main.py). This will start an infinite loop that fetches new data every 5 minutes.

That’s it! Your app will now pull data from Binance after a 5-minute candle is completed, ensuring that your API credentials are not exposed to anyone who runs the script.

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