Verification of consumption portfolio address using Binance API
As a developer, it is essential to correctly guarantee users to enter the portfolio addresses during the account creation. One way to achieve this is by checking the user’s portfolio address using API Binance.
In this article, we will study how to use API on Binance to check the user’s portfolio address and prevent incorrect records.
- API Key Binance
- Binance developer account (for testing purposes)
- Binance USDT portfolio address
Step 1: Configure the Binance API ID
To begin with, you will need to configure your API Binance credentials. You can do this by creating a new account in the Binance developers portal (
For this example, we will use the following API keys:
: replace with real API key (make sure it is not sensitive)
: replace -you with your real water secret
Step 2: Create a portfolio checking feature
Create a new Javascript file (eg.
Const binance = requirement (‘binance-carp’);
// Your API Binance identification data
const api_key = ‘your_pi_key’;
const api_secret = ‘your_pi_secret’;
// Set the API Binance example
Const binance = New Binance ({
Key: api_key,
Secret: api_secret,
// the function of the verification function
Try {
// check the user’s portfolio address using Binance API
Const result = wait binance.verifywaltaddress (teltetaddress);
If (result.success) {
Console.log (portfolio address $ {tleddress} is correct ');
} Else {
Console.error (portfolio address $ {tleddress} is incorrect ‘);
} Catch (error) {
Console.error (error);
// use of the sample
Checkwalletaddress (‘your_binance_usdt_wallet_address’);
Step 3: Call the function during registration
When the user is registered, you can call the verifywaltaddress feature to check their portfolio address. You can do this using the JavaScript library, such as [react or angular] (
Here is an exemplary fragment of code in react:
Import reaction, {useState} by "reaction";
Functional record () {
const [tletetaddress, setwalletaddress] = usestate ('');
Const Handleinputchange = (e) => {
setwalletaddress (;
The async mandesubmit function () {
Try {
// call the verifywaltaddress function
Wait for verification ofwalletaddress (tleaddress);
// create a new user account with a verified portfolio address
Console.log (user created with a portfolio address $ {tletaddres});
} Catch (error) {
Console.error (error);
Return (
Checking the addresses of the users’ portfolio using Binance API is an excellent way to ensure data accuracy and prevent incorrect records. Following these steps, you can create a healthy recording system that will correctly check the portfolio addresses.
Make sure you replace real API credentials with your own keys. Also, retain security effects when checking sensitive information, such as portfolio addresses.