Metamask 0x API: Unefined Subscribe-handled by FMT-transaction EIP-721 and EIP-15155

How the Metamask polish, you, rightly, knows about the complex API, which can allow you to make a blockchain ethereum. In this state, we will set up on two concrete API: 0x for transaction EIP-721 (non-cleanse token), included approximation and subscriptions and 0x for transaction eip-15155 (erc-20).

Ponimania EIP-721

EIP-721-is specializing for the creation of non-underage tokens on the Ethereum blockchain. These tokens can introduce unique activists, such as art, subjects of collecting or lingering elements. To make these tokens, you need to turn them into the ethereum network, using the inteling counteracts. One of the extended contributions to the eip-721 tokens is used for 0x API.

tokens eip-1155 and erc-20

Erc-20 tokens (standard on Ethereum) are tipoted token, which indicates that they can buy, sell and trace any other activ. One of the extended consensus of the ERC-20 tokens is existed API 0x.

Signature of ADBRING C Metamask 0x

Attachment of the contracting agreement in the Metamask 0x you need to present a memorial signature, which is evidenced by your personality and confirmed your authoritiat. For this follow this shag:

  • Snilating of the contracting contract

    : Awash with the token EIP-721 or ERC-20 in the ethereum.

  • Submit the Metamask : Are new to Metamask 0x and add the contract.



Here are the sizes of the code in solidno (tongue programming, used for the Intellectual Contact):


Pragma Polidy ^0.8,0;

Counterattic myparcest {

Cartying (Address => Uint256) PUBLIC CONSIDERED;

Functional Function (Wladylets Adres, Values ​​Uint256)

Is trapped (! Against [Vladletlets], “Already approved”);

Against [Wladylets] = Valuation;


Function Getuploved () Public View Return (Uint25) {

Return Combined [msg.sender];




Undrough signso

If you try to sign the signs of contract, using the unbelievable subscribe, Metamask 0x will make the scrap. This is connected with the fact that the signatures of the counteract should be set up with the help of a part -time key.

To solve this problem, beaten that you ruled your closed Metamask key for signatures in your attachment. Here’s a few ways to follow:


  • Put the signature in your adjusts : In your attachment, set your own signships with your exported closed key.

Primer Code Fragment:


Pragma Polidy ^0.8,0;

Counterattic myparcest {

Cartying (Address => Uint256) PUBLIC CONSIDERED;

Public Signer;

Functional Function (Wladylets Adres, Values ​​Uint256)

Is trabbed (! Signature [msg.sender], “weekly signature”);

Signer [msg.sender] = KeCak256 (abi.encodepacked (msg.SEnder, address (this), value));


Function Getuploved () Public View Return (Uint25) {

Return Combined [msg.sender];




The best projects

To escape the unbelievable signs in the future:

  • All the way to express your face key as the web-key or the consisting with the Kovielk Ethereum.

  • Reach that you use the right configuration of the property pigners` for each counteract.

  • Tet the process of subscribing to be punished that he works right.