Metamascus: Unable to add a transaction to blockchain despite successful message setting
As a developer, it is frustrating when you are not able to perform an action that seems simple, just to find out later that there is a logical flaw in your code. In this article, we will enter into a problem with metamascus and its interaction with a message exchange system.
Problem: Set up a message via remix goes
When working on your Remix project, you can set a message using Setmessage (p) function
. This method is used to store data that will be displayed in Blockchain Explorer or other places where messages are displayed. The problem occurs when trying to use this feature with metamascus.
Problem: Unable to add a transaction despite successful message setting
After calling the function of Setmessage ()
, we expect it to record a blockchain transaction. However, it is surprising that in Blockchain Explorer or other places that shows the messages on which messages are displayed. In addition, when you are trying to retrieve the message using the Getmessage ()
, , we find that the value is not restored.
Link: Remix goes Metamas
In order to better understand this problem, let's explore how Remix works with metamask. In the Remix project you can use the function ofSetmessage (pp)to place data for blockchain explorer or other places where messages are displayed. However, when using a metamascus to interact with blockchain, the functionality of the message posting seems different.
Error removal and problem solving
To solve the problem, we will follow these steps:
- Check the Remix Console Exit: In your Remix project go to the "Console" tab at a remix studio (going to remix) or use a command line to check if there are mistakes related to metamask.
- ViewSetmessage ()
Getmesage ()Methods: See the code for both functions in your Javascript module. Make sure there are differences between two methods, such as asynchronous behavior or handling of errors.
- Test with different messages: Try to set different types of messages (eg, dwelling, numbers) to see if there is an impact onsetsSage ()
Getmesage () ‘functionality.
The issue is not related to basic blockchain technology, but in the way that the metamascus communicates with the message exchange system in Remix. Despite posting a message via setsSage ()
function, no error message or a transaction record is shown when using a metamic to interact with Blockchain.
To solve this problem, you will also need to review the code for the functions of Setmessage ()
and Getmesage ()
and check if they are expected. In addition, test different messages to determine if there is a certain type of data that drives a problem.
Example Code
Here’s an example of how you can use the function of Setmessage ()
in your remix project:
Import {Message} from “Web3”;
Const Message = “Greetings, the World!”; // string
// Set a message using Setmessage function
message.set ();
And here's a sample clip codes to set a message viaGetmessage ()Method:
Import {Message} from “Web3”;
import {remixcontract} from “./remixContract”;
Const Treaty = New RemixContract ();
contract.Setmessage (message); // string
In this example, we define a variablemessageas a string and use the function
setsage (). Then we call the method of
Getmessage ()to take on value.
Following these steps and checking any differences between the functions of Setmessage ()
and Getmesage ()
in your module Metamascus JavaScript, you should be able to diagnose and solve this problem.